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Ultimate Guide: How to Remove Acne Scars Effectively

Reviewed By:      Dr. Dhananjay Chavan

Updated on: 17th April, 2024

Ultimate Guide How to Remove Acne Scars Effectively clear skin pune

Acne is every teenager’s nightmare. They occur due to the hormonal changes, especially with the advent of the androgen hormone release. This hormone causes an extensive production of sebum, an oily fluid in the follicles that obstructs the opening and causes an inflammation that we know as acne. However, acne is seen as a problem for not just teenagers but also some adults. This can be attributed to genetics or their unhealthy lifestyle. This article gives you an overview of the acne scars and how to get rid of acne scars.

Table Of Content

  • What are Acne Scars and How do They Develop?
  • Types & Grades of Acne Scars
  • Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Scars
  • Treatments to Getting Rid of Acne Scars
  • Why choose ClearSkin to Get Rid of Acne Scars?
  • Conclusion

What are Acne Scars and How do They Develop?

Rupturing of the acne is a natural process that is considered as the last stage of acne pathogenesis. Once the rupturing takes place, the second layer of the skin that is the dermis is damaged. As the human body has the ability to self-heal, it activates a fibre called collagen that is responsible for the repair of tissues—the deposited collagen fibre results in the formation of scars.

However, many of us may have seen that the size of the scars varies. This depends upon two factors: the severity of the injury and the speed with which the healing process occurs. To elaborate, the speed of the healing process determines the amount of collagen being deposited.

Therefore, faster the process, lesser collagen is accumulated, and scar formed is smaller in size. Similarly, the more severe the wound, the more time it takes to heal, creating a bigger scar. Apart from this, scars can also vary between different body parts and according to the person’s age. This article deals with how to get rid of scarring.

Types & Grades of Acne Scars

There are various types of scars but mainly depending upon the amount of collagen deposited there are two types of scars: Atrophic scars and Hypertrophic scars. A maximum number of people experience atrophic scars rather than hypertrophic scars. One can identify the type of scars from the following.

Atrophic scars:

Atrophic scars occur due to the loss of tissue or loss of collagen fibre. They are characterized by deep depressions in the skin or a flat dip on the epidermis. These are characterized by pigmentation and may appear darker than the skin. Acne scars are mostly seen to be atrophic in nature.

Hypertrophic scars:

Opposite to atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars are caused by excessive tissue deposition over the skin while healing. However, it does not protrude outside the wound and generally darker in colour, creating a clear-cut demarcation.

Keloid Scars:

Like hypertrophic scars, Keloid scars are characterized by a puffy appearance as there is extensive tissue production. This causes the tissue to grow outside the healing area. These too, like others, are darker in colour.

Contracture scars:

These scars are caused when a significant amount of skin is damaged. This is especially seen when there are burn scars where the skin becomes tight and shiny.

Apart from types, scars can also be divided according to different grades- mild, moderate and severe.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Scars

If you’re looking for how to get rid of acne marks, you’re at the right place. Home remedies effectively show you how to get rid of old acne scars. Here are some of the ways of how to get rid of pimple marks at home.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains a compound called aloin that reduces hyperpigmentation by reducing the overproduction of melanin that makes the scar look darker in colour. Aloe vera can help you on how to get rid of acne scars at home.

Vitamin E

Scars are an attribute of collagen fibre, and vitamin E helps in the building of these fibres. Therefore, they are more effective for atrophic scars which have lesser collagen fibre.


Honey is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that aids in healing the wound and reduces redness and discomfort caused by the wound. It is also a natural moisturizer and prevents breaks caused by acne. This can be a good solution to the problem how to get rid of scars on face.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, which has antibacterial properties. Therefore, coconut oil works similarly to honey. However, this method is not advised for oily skin as it may only aggravate the acne.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains various organic acids that act as an astringent and is most effective for oily skin. This is a suitable answer to how to get rid of acne scars naturally.


Lemon has a drying effect on the sebum as it contains citric acid. This works well for oily skin. However, it is important to moisturize after using this method.


Potato juice has the property to lighten the skin tone. This is a tested way of how to get rid of acne scars home remedies.

Treatments to Getting Rid of Acne Scars

There are various treatments on how to get rid of old acne scars. Depending upon the severity of the scars, various methods of treatment can be employed, varying from oral antibiotics, topical treatments to medical procedures.

Topical Medication:

These consist of ointments, creams, face washes and lotion. The dermatologists usually prescribe these for mild cases that helps reduce the inflammation and secretion of sebum. It further promotes the peeling off of the skin. Some common topical medications are Dapsone and Retinoids. Dapsone is majorly used for treatment in teenagers as it reduces bacterial growth and inflammation. The application period varies from 12 weeks to beyond. Retinoids are also used to treat teenagers but with more moderate problems. The ointment pushes the dead skin out of the follicles preventing the blockage of the pores. Topical medication can be used in case you need a way of how to get rid of acne scars on buttocks.

Oral Medication:

Oral medication is given to treat patients with persistent, moderate acne. For severe cases, antibiotics can also be prescribed by the doctor. The medications reduce the circulation of androgen hormone that further reduces the sebum production that causes the pore to obstruct. Spironolactone and Isotretinoin are some commonly prescribed drugs. Spironolactone blocks the androgen hormone and is often recommended for young teenage girls. Isotretinoin is given for severe cases only. This can be a useful solution to the conundrum of how to get rid of pimple marks on face.

Medical Procedures:

  • Chemical peelsIt is a chemical solution where the top layer of the skin that is the dead skin is removed to reduce the deep-rooted scars’ appearance. It is also an exfoliating technique to remove blackheads and whiteheads. It can also be used for how to get rid of back acne scars.
  • InjectionsVarious injections can reduce the scars on the skin; one of those is the steroid injection. Injecting steroids into raised scars can reduce the significant presence of the scars. Apart from this, OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) can also be injected around the scars as it relaxes the surrounding skin. The results through botox are temporary, and therefore, repetition of the treatment is necessary after intervals.This is a way how to get rid of pimple marks.
  • Derma FillerThis process involves injecting gel-like substances below the skin in order to regain the lost traction, smoothness and volume. If you’re looking for how to get rid of pimple scars then this could be the right solution for you.
  • MicroneedlingThis process involves using tiny needles to price the skin in order to promote the generation of fresh collagen and skin tissue in the areas affected by acne scars.
  • Laser TreatmentThis involves using a focused beam of light to target damaged areas of the body and make scars look better.
  • SubcisionThis involves using a hypodermic needle to treat the acne scars. It is a minor subcutaneous surgical procedure.
  • Fat GraftingThis involves grafting of fat from one area of the body to another in order to improve the look and appearance of the targeted part. This can be an effective way of showing how to get rid of marks on face.

There are other medical procedures like dermaplaning that can be used to treat acne scars. These methods are usually taken up by people who wonder how to get rid of deep acne scars. You must pick a method that suits you best.

Why Choose ClearSkin to Get Rid of Acne Scars?

No matter how smart your appearance is or how prim and proper your grooming is, acne scars can mar the effect of your overall personality. ClearSkin offers a one stop solution to your problem of how to get rid of pimple marks. Knowing how to get rid of pimple scars makes you more confident and allows you to look more presentable to the world. It is not just an issue of aesthetics but also about keeping your skin healthy. Acne scars are treatable and you start working on getting rid of them today!

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Acne scars can be distressing, but effective treatments are available to restore clear, smooth skin. From home remedies like aloe vera and vitamin E to advanced medical procedures such as laser treatments and dermal fillers, there are options for every type of acne scar. ClearSkin offers comprehensive solutions tailored to individual needs, ensuring confidence and healthier skin. Don’t let acne scars hold you back—take proactive steps today for clearer, smoother skin tomorrow.

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