
Home Q&As / What is Best Sunscreen for Pigmentation?

What is Best Sunscreen for Pigmentation?

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 Skin pigmentation is usually the small or large white or dark patches on your body or face. The reasons behind your skin pigmentation are minimum or excessive production of melanin on your skin.

What is best sunscreen for pigmentation

Table Of Content

  • What is Best Sunscreen for Pigmentation?
  • Conclusion

What is Best Sunscreen for Pigmentation?

Skin pigmentation is usually caused due to –

Sun Exposure (UV rays) – Many times  we go outside in the sun and pollution due to work of some other things, without covering the face so due to it the sun exposes the skin and as a result, pigmentation appears on the skin.

Hypersensitive Reactions – Some of us have sensitive skin, if you applied topical medications then due to the reaction you may get pigmentation.

Various Pharmaceuticals – Due to excess medication, you can be affected by pigmentation as so much medication can result in a reaction.

Hormonal Changes – Hormonal changes is one of the common causes of pigmentation. It can affect anyone.

Hereditary – If anyone in your family is suffering from pigmentation then there are chances that you can get pigmentation as your ancestors have passed their genes to you.

Skin Injuries – If you got some skin injury and when it recovers you can observe some pigmented area. So due to it also skin pigmentation is possible.

Yes, Sunscreen is a key part for pigmentation but only and only sunscreen cannot help you to reduce pigmentation. You have to use medications and some treatments according to your skin type. So that you can get rid of the pigmentation. I suggest you; consult a dermatologist nearby you so that he can guide you. Under his guidance, you can get better results.


How to Choose a Sunscreen for Your Skin Type (अपनी त्वचा के लिए सनस्क्रीन कैसे चुनें) | (In HINDI)

There are treatments like Chemical peelsQ-switch laser, cocktail therapies, etc. to treat pigmentation. If you follow the treatments and medications given by your dermatologist then you could get results in 3-4 months on average.


While sunscreen is essential in managing skin pigmentation, it alone cannot fully resolve the issue. Pigmentation can be caused by various factors such as sun exposure, hypersensitive reactions, pharmaceuticals, hormonal changes, hereditary factors, and skin injuries. Effective treatment requires a combination of sunscreen, medications, and dermatological treatments tailored to your skin type. Consulting a dermatologist is crucial for personalized care and achieving better results, typically within 3-4 months. For less severe cases, using SPF 50 sunscreen can be beneficial.

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