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How to Get Rid of Shoulder Acne Fast?

Reviewed By:    Dr Dhanraj 64 small   Dr. Dhanraj Chavan

Updated on: 24th October, 2021

How to Get Rid of Shoulder Acne Fast Clear Skin Pune

If you  are confronted with acne on shoulders and upper back, it is obvious for you to think about how to get rid of it fast. So, here’s how to treat acne on shoulders.

Acne is a common skin condition that can affect any body part. But it is most commonly observed on the face, chest, neck, back, and shoulders. Shoulder acne can affect both women and men, although it is more common in the latter.

Table Of Content

  • Causes of Acne on Shoulders
  • How to Get Rid of Acne on Shoulders?
  • How to Prevent Acne on Shoulders and Upper Back?
  • Conclusion

Causes of Acne on Shoulders

Acne occurs when sebum from your skin mixes with dead skin cells and clogs your skin pores. The face is the most vulnerable to acne, as it has more oil glands. But the shoulder region also is prone to acne breakout. Acne on shoulders is a common condition. Almost everyone, at some point, experiences it. Some of the most common causes of acne on shoulders include the following.

  • Genetics
  • Hormonal changes, especially in teenagers
  • Sweat
  • Dandruff
  • Oily skin
  • A side effect of a medication

How to Get Rid of Acne on Shoulders?

How to get rid of shoulder acne overnight? That’s a question many of our patients ask.

Of course, we can empathize with them, as acne is irritating, no matter the region it develops. But every treatment has to be given its time to show effect. Acne treatment isn’t an exception to it. Hence, practically, one cannot get rid of acne on shoulders and upper back overnight or in a day or two. It takes time for the skin and the body to respond to a particular treatment.

Nevertheless, let’s look at some home-based acne treatment options.

Note: All these home remedies can be tried in mild cases of shoulder acne, in early stages. They can help some people to get rid of acne. The following remedies should be used in minimal quantities for minimum contact period / duration as suggested above, and less frequently like once or twice a week. They also have other chemicals, if used for long duration and more frequently, can cause irritation to the skin. Hence, if shoulder acne doesn’t alleviate, by these remedies, you should consult a dermatologist for personalized treatment.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a popular natural acne treatment option. It has anti-inflammatory properties that benefit the skin. Applying fresh aloe vera directly on the back and shoulder can nourish the skin and help treat acne.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains natural antibacterial properties that help treat acne. Apply coconut oil to your body and massage it before taking a bath.


Lemon is another of nature’s gifts to humankind. It has vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant. The high antioxidant and citric acid content proves an amazing home-based acne remedy. Lemon helps remove excess oil and kill bacteria that cause acne. Apply a few drops of lemon juice on your back and shoulder for 25-30 minutes.


Turmeric contains curcumin with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne. Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder in water to form a thick paste. Apply it on the skin for 15-20 minutes and then rinse.


Garlic is another significant acne home-based remedy. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties from allicin that helps kill the bacteria that causes acne. Besides, it reduces inflammation and enhances blood circulation. Extract some juice from a few garlic cloves and apply with the help of cotton. Keep it for 25-30 minutes, and the wash it.

How to Prevent Acne on Shoulders and Upper Back?

You don’t have to do a lot to prevent acne on shoulders. Following the below straightforward tips can also help prevent acne on shoulders and upper back.

  • Scrub the skin properly and regularly to remove dead skin cells
  • Maintain a healthy diet to detox the body naturally
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes during the hot season and workouts
  • Take a shower after a workout, as sweat and dirt lead to acne
  • Clean yourself after heavy sweating

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In conclusion, managing shoulder acne involves understanding its causes and implementing effective treatments. Regular cleansing, maintaining a healthy diet, and using natural remedies like aloe vera, coconut oil, and turmeric can help reduce acne. However, persistent cases may require consultation with a dermatologist for personalized treatment.

Preventative measures such as wearing loose clothing, showering after workouts, and proper skin care are essential for avoiding future breakouts. For more comprehensive treatment options, consider reaching out to a skin specialist.

Further Reading

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