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Skin Care Tips – Monsoon Skincare Routine to Follow

Jul 14, 2022

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Monsoon Skincare Routine – 8 Monsoon Skincare Tips

How Do You Prepare to Face the Monsoon?

The arrival of monsoon ushers a wave of delight among all of us. The dark monsoon clouds begin camouflaging the scorching sun, and the temperatures start to fall, making the weather pleasant. And then start those monsoon trips, drenching in those waterfalls and enjoying the soothing greenery!

But monsoon, which features a considerable weather change, calls for an appropriate monsoon skincare routine. Summers are now over. So, apart from regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing, you must make additional efforts to tackle the increased humidity and moisture in the air. Accordingly, here are some monsoon skincare hacks for healthy and glowing skin.

Monsoon Skincare Routine – 8 Monsoon Skincare Tips

Monsoons have recently begun. So, this is the right time to prepare your skin for the season. Here are some straightforward monsoon skin care tips to follow.

1. Use a Moisturizer

When the weather is already humid, why do I need a moisturizer in the monsoon? The question may seem logical. But humidity can dehydrate the skin and make it appear dull and oily. Using a dermatologist-prescribed lightweight, humectant-rich moisturizer and water-based moisturizer can hydrate the skin.

A more nourishing moisturizer can particularly help if you have dry skin. Click here to connect with us for more tips for monsoon skincare for dry skin.


2. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating regularly (at least twice a week), as per a dermatologist’s advice, can help your skin regain its glow and prevent the occurrence of pimples. Exfoliating proves helpful in various ways. It removes dead skin cells from the top and lets brighter and fresher skin appear. Additionally, it prevents the clogging of pores with dirt and sweat. Thus, you can also avoid blackheads.

3. Wear Sunscreen

The sun hidden behind the clouds, amidst the overcast weather, can still damage your skin. So, don’t forget to wear sunscreen while stepping out. Add non-oily sunscreen into your monsoon skincare routine for oily skin. A sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 can help protect your skin.

4. Use a Soap-Free Cleanser

Cleansing is essential during monsoons. However, do not choose just any cleanser. Use soap-free cleansers that are gentle and do not snatch away the essential oils in the skin. A soap-free cleanser can work for any skin. It can help remove dirt and oil by drying the skin. But remember not to wash your face excessively. Washing it twice during the day is enough to keep it clean.

5. Minimize Makeup

Wearing minimal makeup during monsoons is another essential aspect of a monsoon skincare regime. Heavy makeup may block your skin pores. Accordingly, you can use CC creams to even out your complexion and make your skin flawless without making your face look heavy on the makeup. Minimizing makeup lets your facial skin breathe.

Besides, avoid using lipsticks. You may use tinted lip balms instead to nourish your lips and make them look naturally attractive.

6. Use a Toner

Humidity can make your skin look oily. Using a toner can help here. An alcohol-free toner can avoid oil build-up. Toners with antioxidant ingredients like glycolic acid or green tea can help maintain adequate pH levels, prevent acne, and control blemishes. Toning your skin through a dermatologist-prescribed toner, especially after cleansing, can help shrink pores and remove dirt.

7. Include Vitamin C

We cannot forget vitamin C while discussing an effective monsoon skincare routine. Vitamin C is a solid antioxidant that keeps the skin healthy. Using vitamin C externally through vitamin C serum can maintain the skin’s glow. But, consuming it can increase immunity, combat infections, and keep the inherent health and glow of the skin.

8. Avoid Getting Drenched in the Rain

You might hate us for this. But if you care for your skin, avoid getting drenched in the rain. Wetness can result in more sweat and humidity and breakouts, itchiness, fungal infections, or white patches. So, getting drenched in the rain may seem fun. However, it could refer to developing even more skin problems.

Note: Avoid using skin care products on your own. Consult a dermatologist for specific monsoon skin care tips and get the right skincare products prescribed for yourself. Dermatologists prescribe skin care products after a thorough examination of your skin and based on your skin condition and needs.

How Do You Prepare to Face the Monsoon? Clear Skin Answers Your Questions!

Clear Skin, one of the leading skin clinics in Pune, helps you prepare your skin for the monsoon. Our dermatologists discuss your skin type and needs and develop a monsoon skincare regime comprising the most appropriate skin care products with the most suitable ingredients for your skin. So, visit our skin care clinics in Pune and prepare yourself to protect your skin against the monsoons.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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