
Flat 30% Off On All Skin & Hair Consultations at Pune Station & Baner Clinic till 31st March 2025. T&C Apply

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The information provided on www.clearskin.in is for informational purposes only. Though the content is produced by Clear Skin (hence forth will be used for Clear Skin Pvt. Ltd.) & reviewed by Clear Skin physicians at its best & with the attempt to maintain accuracy, Clear Skin does not guarantee its 100% accuracy. It is not intended to replace consultation & advice of physicians or healthcare professional under any circumstances. Also, the videos, published blogs, QAs etc. which may have individual opinions of individual Clear Skin Physicians & completely belongs to them. The website contains & published lots of photos of patient treated with Clear Skin in the form of Before After Photos & Treatment which are published only when proper written informed consent & permission is taken from patient. Also, website may contain user generated content or data in the form of comments, opinions, suggestions, advices etc. This user generated content is solely belongs to user to creates it & Clear Skin does not guarantee its accuracy. So, before relying on such content, it is highly advisable to seek proper medical consultation with your physician.